For schools & educators
“The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.”
-Albert Einstein
The Super Journals empower schools to prime students for optimal learning and resilient living through the evidence-based tools of mindful breathing, body movement and journaling.
The Super Journals can fit seamlessly into existing SEL curriculum and can be used in minutes a day to help students, teachers and administrators create a thriving, healthy space for learning and student social-emotional wellness. In addition, we offer professional development and in-school workshops, Super Journal author visits, and consulting to meet every schools individual needs.
With a focus on the individual needs and challenges of your school, we will generate creative, practical and evidence-based solutions for your community. Some of the ways we can help:
gain a practical understanding of how mindfulness can be used as a powerful foundation for and complement to your SEL programming.
create an individualized program and implementation strategy for incorporating the evidence-based tools of breath work, body movement and journaling into the classroom and/or school climate.
develop school-wide practices and routines that support nervous system regulation, positive interaction, emotional self-regulation, improved self-esteem and confidence, and that highlight positivity and curiosity with the intended outcome of priming kids for optimal learning and social interaction.
CONTACT US TODAY to empower your classroom and school with Super Journaling!