For schools & educators

The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.”

-Albert Einstein

The Super Journals empower schools to prime students for optimal learning and resilient living through the evidence-based tools of mindful breathing, body movement and journaling.

The Super Journals can fit seamlessly into existing SEL curriculum and can be used in minutes a day to help students, teachers and administrators create a thriving, healthy space for learning and student social-emotional wellness. In addition, we offer professional development and in-school workshops, Super Journal author visits, and consulting to meet every schools individual needs.

Professional Development and Workshops

A practical, fun and evidence-based opportunity to experience and explore effective mindfulness tools for the classroom that can be used within existing SEL curriculum and throughout the school day. Led by creator Elizabeth Heller, participants will focus on the science behind mindfulness to gain a deeper understanding of brain function and how mindfulness tools engage neuroplasticity. You will jump right in to learn and practice breath work, body movement and journaling tools to incorporate into the classroom. These three pillars of wellness offer an effective structure to help children and adults self-manage emotions, boost self-esteem and self-confidence, build resilience, and help create a calm and vibrant atmosphere for learning.

Author Visit with Elizabeth Heller

Creator Elizabeth Heller engages kids, teachers and staff in a fun, playful presentation of Super Journaling. This interactive visit asks kids to practice breathing, movement and journaling tools and even create some of their own! The visit can be individualized for a classroom or for your school as a whole. Kids, teens and adults will learn and participate, have an opportunity for Q&A and take-away Super Journal tools to use at home, school or anywhere out in the world.


With a focus on the individual needs and challenges of your school, we will generate creative, practical and evidence-based solutions for your community. Some of the ways we can help:

  • gain a practical understanding of how mindfulness can be used as a powerful foundation for and complement to your SEL programming.

  • create an individualized program and implementation strategy for incorporating the evidence-based tools of breath work, body movement and journaling into the classroom and/or school climate.

  • develop school-wide practices and routines that support nervous system regulation, positive interaction, emotional self-regulation, improved self-esteem and confidence, and that highlight positivity and curiosity with the intended outcome of priming kids for optimal learning and social interaction.

Evidence-Based Benefits for Kids

  • Gives kids agency to self-manage emotions and behavior.

  • Builds self-confidence through self-awareness. 

  • Reduces anxiety and stress.

  • Increases enjoyment and absorption of class material.

  • Improves focus and positive engagement with class material. 

  • Promotes kindness and empathy for self and others. 

  • Increases an attitude of gratitude and positivity.

  • Validates self-care and responding to individual needs before issues arise.

  • Promotes improved sleep.

Evidence-Based Benefits for Teachers

  • Improved emotional wellness enables teachers to be more effective in the classroom and school community.

  • Creates pathways for improved communication with students.

  • Provides tools to better manage the relationship dynamic with students in challenge. 

  • Reduces stress and anxiety.

  • Creates a more positive learning environment.

CONTACT US TODAY to empower your classroom and school with Super Journaling!