Play Isn’t Just Kid Stuff
“Your body cannot heal without PLAY.
Your mind cannot heal without LAUGHTER.
Your soul cannot heal without JOY.”
~ Catherine Rippenger Fenwick
Play is proven to be essential for optimal, healthy development in children. So much so that it is recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child. And that’s not all. A relatively new area of study - the effects of play on adults - reveals that in our adult years, play has similar positive effects on the brain as it does in childhood and it is essential for healthy living.
Evidence-Based Benefits of Play for Adults
-Improves brain function
-Stimulates the mind
-Boosts creativity
-Improves relationships
-Relieves stress and promotes well-being
Stuart Brown, psychiatrist and founder of the National Institute for Play (yes there is one) says, “Play is a basic human need, as essential to our well-being as sleep, so when we’re low on play, our minds and bodies notice.” He recommends that the most impactful way to reap the benefits of play for adults is the same as it is for children: incorporate play into our every day lives, “not just wait for that two-week vacation.”
Brown adds that how we play in adulthood is as unique to individuals as a fingerprint. It could be anything from paint-by-number to climbing Mount Everest. Research shows that it is the act of playing itself, not the specific type of play, the fires the brain and creates joy. Brown says that some signs of not having enough play in your life can include being cranky, having low energy, feeling stuck or rigid, or even feeling victimized by life.
So, are you playing enough these days? Are you having any holiday fun? Whatever your answer, try the journal prompt below and see if you can mindfully add some play into your day today! It’s not a luxury. It’s a necessity for joyful, healthy living!
Make a list of everything that makes you smile (3 minutes). What feels most fun for you? Circle 3 favorites. Which one will you choose to do today—even for a few minutes?